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Just type your email and press `enter`.
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Here you'll find a simple guide for running cuckoos with your team:
Choose a task you'd like to get done with your team. It can be a Status meeting, Brainstorming session or anything else you want to do together.
Create a room and share the link with your teammates, so that everyone can see the timer.
Start the timer for 25 min (25 min is the traditional Pomodoro Technique, but you can set the timer to whatever works for you).
Work focused on that task until the clock rings. That means no calls from your mom, whatsapping your crush or checking your facebook timeline again. There will be a time for that.
After that, take a short break. Then you can check facebook and do other important things like go to the bathroom. After 4 cuckoos we recommend a longer break.
Repeat until you are done.
Great! That's everything you need to know to run more productive meetings!
We believe meetings should be fun. We believe collaborating we can get further. We believe getting things done is the best motivation booster, and, we believe having fun is essential for any workplace, specially when your workplace is not just the office anymore.
That is why we created Cuckoo, a tool where you create a timer and share it with your team members. Then you are ready to have more productive meetings from anywhere. Let the time tracking for us and spend more time doing!
Collaborate, have fun and get things done with Cuckoo.